GRP Savanna Tanks -- Panel Selection
The major advantage of introducing fractional panels is to allow greater flexibility for capacity achievement and this allows engineers to utilize the available footprint better.
The other advantage of fractional panels is to allow flexibility for head room. We have adopted the metric system for several obvious reasons mainly because the South African Steel Association has recently indicated the preference to move to metric member sizing, so it's only a matter of time till the whole industry in our region cross over.

GRP Savanna Tanks - Foundation Requirements

GRP Tanks -- (Glass Reinforced Plastic) -- The key word being Glass, the panels in essences perform just like a sheet of plain glass so high points and uneven cross over spans can unduly stress a panel to failure. All induced twists and uneven foundations must be corrected before any further installation progress.
It's important to note the following GRP tanks are LOAD bearing structures and an engineer's input is always required to assess the ground conditions, the foundations and member sizes Allowable deflections across spans and any direction including corresponding adjacent support supports is 1/500 of the span of unsupported and including the support sections to allow for the removal of High Points
GRP Savanna Tanks - Foot Print Requirements
As a rule of Thumb the following assumptions can be considered when designing your tank foot print requirements.Assess the available space Determine your water storage requirements, factor in all dead spaces in your capacity calculations Assess your allowable head room Choose your configuration with the following consideration.
Add + 1200 mm to Length and width
Add + 600 mm to Height (Please note side manholes can be custom fabricated )
Add + 500 mm to length and width to allow for labor / maintenance access

GRP Savanna Tanks -Tank Structure

Standard Tank Accessories
6 nozzles Connections up to 150mm
Vent - Two way breather + Anti vermon
Internal Ladder
External Ladder
Level indicator
Additional Nozzles and larger diameters
Side access Manhole
Additional Ladders
Additional Level indicators
Float Valves
Level switches
Special partitions
GRP attachment points for Equipment