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Stand and Deliver !!! -- Ngwalte

(dot).(dot).(dot) if you have a problem (dot).(dot).(dot) and if no-one can help (dot).(dot).(dot) and if you can find them .... Maybe you can hire ..... the A team .... (dot).(dot).(dot)

When the Minister of Lands and Water makes a promise to the residents of Ngwatle that clean water would be flowing in the village and ceremonial cows are to be slaughtered to mark the event, and time is against you.

You know you have a challenge.

That’s the time to, Stand and Deliver and you call the A Team!!!

It's been 8 (eight) years since Savanna Tanks has been back to Ngwaltle -- Back in 2010 we were the main contractor to a 40 million Pula D&C Project , which involved a 500 x 500 pond , 70 km's of pipe laying , 5 water tanks , 1 k'm of Palisade fencing , on site power plant , BH equipping and a Water Treatment plant.

2 Years ago 2016 BH's collapsed and last month (July 2018 ) we are back again as Sub contractors for Veolia Botswana. This time as support sub-contractors to dis-assemble structures, reassemble and replace RO shipping container skids, and carry out some small civil works along with overall logistics.

Bearing in mind the area terrain, note that all of this work, is in deep sand accessible with only 4 x 4 vehicles, yet despite this, we are talking about requiring inter-link access for procurement deliveries. Day one, arrival , It took us 3 days to get equipment into the plant from the village and its only 3 km's away.

I was on site and it truly reminded me of the old days (+/- 20 years ago with DWA Teams) -- There was a crew of WuC personal on the site. Veolia personal and ourselves. Complete team work, we assisted the WuC teams and they assisted us. Together we were an indestructible three legged configuration plowing ahead to meet a deadline, that could not be extended.

Extension meant failure, failure meant dismissal and retraction/removal off site!!

There was no option. No going back!!!

As it turned out the Minister was able to deliver water --- The Cows were slaughtered -- and I’m told (I wasn’t there for the finale) but along with the flowing water -- Shake Shake was flowing just as strong. For a brief moment Ngwaltle was the center of the universe experiencing among other things modern day traffic jams, surely a day that will be forever embedded in the local residents minds & hearts.

All thumbs up for the teams and great team-ship from everyone involved. Honestly speaking we were just the support team because Savanna Tanks has specialized equipment and certain knowledge but the real hero's that delivered the nuts & bolts to the water was Veolia Botswana (They had the ONLY solution among their competition) and WuC -- We were just the hard muscle !!!

There’s a lot that can be said for service providers that have infrastructure on the ground, factories, manufacturing and physical presence on the ground.

We get it done !

And finally to steal a phrase from the A- Team (for those 80's Generation)

I love it when a plan comes together.

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